Ryan Jones

Ryan Jones, MD

  • Class of 2024
Ryan Jones
  • Medical School

    University of Nebraska Medical Center Omaha, NE
  • Undergraduate School

    Creighton University Omaha, NE
  • Hometown

    Newcastle, WY
  • If I wasn't a doctor, I'd be...

    A writer.

  • My interests/hobbies outside of medicine are...

    Films, running, history, tabletop games

  • Where are you hoping to visit in South Dakota?

    Black Hills

  • The thing that surprised me the most about Sioux Falls was...

    The number and quality of parks/trails to run

  • Why did you choose this program?

    The main draw was the people, but the Behavioral Health Center also showed the city’s dedication to psychiatry. Most programs didn’t have that kind of commitment.

  • What do you get/benefit from by choosing this program over another, similar program?

    The dedication BH center and the in-house pharmacists are the unique boons this program has over many others.

  • What's the best perk of this program?

    There is a lot of inpatient time.