Internal Medicine
Moataz Ellithi

Moataz Ellithi, MBBCh

  • Class of 2021
Moataz Ellithi
  • Post-Residency

    Hematology and Oncology Fellowship - University of Nebraska Medical Center Omaha, NE
  • Medical School

    Mansoura University Egypt
  • Hometown

  • If I wasn't a doctor, I'd be...

    a scientist.

  • My interests/hobbies outside of medicine are...

    Spending time with family, reading, hiking, and strength training.

  • My favorite thing to do in Sioux Falls are...

    are playing volleyball and spending time on the lakes. I also enjoy hanging out in the downtown area, it has a unique vibe!

  • The thing that surprised me the most about Sioux Falls is...

    How easy the commuting is!

  • My favorite place in Sioux Falls to get a meal or grab a drink is...

    Ode to Food and Drinks

  • I chose this program...

    Because of the residency 4+2 structure with a plenty of time for academic career development.

  • What do you get/benefit from by choosing this program over another, similar program?

    The one-on-one interaction with the faculty and the breadth of clinical exposure.

  • What's the best perk of this program?

    The 4+2 structure

  • What surprised you about this program?

    The welcoming and collegial environment

  • What do you know now that you wish you did prior to matching with this program?

    The summers here are magnificent!

  • What's one thing you want a prospective resident to know about this program?

    Look for a place you think you will be happy to spend your three years of training at. This is what matters the most.